• Find the store goods that you buy from us. Given the title, you can also enter into the search engine on our site.

• After clicking on the item name, it will show you the detail with descriptions and pictures of the product.

• Selected product that you want to buy from us, put the cart - button "BUY". At this point there is nothing binding order can be canceled at any time.

• To buy more goods continue shopping. If you choose something else, click again on the "Buy" button. You ojednávat or more pieces.

• Continually can view and edit the contents of your cart. You always have the option to exclude from the basket of goods.


• Thoroughly check your selected item and its quantity.

• If you want to change at any item quantity, adjust the number, then press the "Recalculate" or "ENTER".  

3rd Delivery and payment

• Select shipping method - how you want your selected transport goods.

• Select a payment method - as you like for your selected merchandise pay

• Then press the "Order"  

4th order details

• Please fill in all your personal information in the appropriate form.

• For your order you can also insert a comment (optional).

• Are the data if all is OK, send the order - "Submit Order"

• Receive your order will be confirmed to your e-mail address.

• When selecting a transfer payment, please e-mail specified payment instructions.(nepovinné).

•   Jsou -li všechna data v pořádku, odešlete objednávku - „ODESLAT OBJEDNÁVKU”
•   Příjem Vaší objednávky Vám bude potvrzen na Vaši e-mailovou adresu.
•   Při výběru platby převodem obdržíte na zadaný e-mail platební pokyny.